
Copyright August 2021
by Charles Adrian Trevino

Hello, and welcome to ANOTHER exciting Free Song Page!  In this edition, you will hear yet another unasked-for, unwanted, uncalled-for, and under-appreciated narrative filled with many items of unbelievably vulgar but very juicy gossip, items which are, unfortunately, well-backed up with known facts, statistics, quotations, and hyperbole, all provided free of charge as usual by none other than your friend and not mine, the infamous Charles of the Ritz. 

It has recently come to my somewhat distracted attention that I have been displeasing the only One to whom I still feel I owe a great debt, a debt that amounts to nearly everything I still possess;  namely, my body and soul.  This is one hell of a...  uh, let's make that one heck of a debt to be owing to someone, whoever that somebody may be; however, when this particular debt is owing to someOne (who is not just anyone, folks [my apologies to the major usurers, oops, I meant to say lenders  out there]), then you'd probably be better off not displeasing Him too much.

So just who is this only One, and how have I displeased Him?  Well if you don't know Him by now, I would strongly suggest that you make an attempt to meet Him (seeing as how things are going for those of us non-Satanically inclined people), on bended knees if possible;  that way, when the proverbial poop hits the fan and you have to call on him collect,  you may not have to hear those infamous last words:  Call denied;  I never knew you. 
CT calls Him 2 (135K) CT calls Him 3 (138K) CT Confident (142K) CT Worried 1 (134K) CT Worried (135K) CT Oh Dear Me (136K)

I don't need to worry about that sort of stuff, me-self; the Big Guy knows me all too well, I think, probably better than I know me-self these days.  Actually though, to be fairly honest, I can still lay claim to a few other things of value besides my body and soul;  things such as a roof over my head when its raining outside, a (fairly) warm room and bed to sleep in, and even more food than is actually good for me!  Although I don't like to think about it too much, it is my understanding that many people in the world don't have such things, or at least not enough of such things, even to the point where they are face-to-face with something that most of us don't want to face:  existence negation.

Believe it or not, I still enjoy life sufficiently enough to not want to actually negate my own existence, although sometimes I do wish for deliverance from what often appears to be a rather harsh reality.  Lately I have found myself wishing for this deliverance perhaps more frequently than might appear healthy to an outside observer (you know, those sick disgusting shitz that like to watch people in the "privacy" of their own homes).  I have my reasons for that, and if you are a frequent visitor to this website, you should be able to discern by now what some of those reasons are, as I have a propensity to vent my complaints regarding the gross indignities which some of my fellow humans (if they can be even called humans) have subjected my indignant personage to.  However, being a somewhat nice personage, I feel that I really should give my fellow beings, human or otherwise, a sporting chance to cease, desist, annul, and otherwise knock it off regarding these offenses, before I negate your existence!  Remember, you fools;  the pen is mightier than the sword. 

Actually, all death threats and intimations aside, in my case the pen just might be mightier than all of those ICBM's which all of those (threat-of)-war profiteers keep churning out!  Or so it would seem, judging from the hostile (scared) reactions I've been getting from the bad apples who can't seem to keep themselves from reading my website, and thus reading about themselves in all their cracked glory.  Lately some of these rotten fruits have been taking it a bit too far in their ignoble persecutions, prompting some rather hostile reactions from my own indignant (but, I must add, nobly long-suffering) self, causing me to displease Him... you know, the big guy upstairs, AKA The Lord.  It is my wish that such persecutions cease immediately, on all sides, that I may cease displeasing (and getting hit by) said Lord.

Thusly, I have taken it upon myself to deliver unto all of these SS-DG WORMS a sound whooping in the form of a litany of loud complaints, accompanied by a few choice photos taken from my cracked cell phone's google-chosen news offerings.  As such, I've decided to title this piece of shining journalistic prose...


This is really going to be only the first of a long line of continuous narratives (which may or may not be accompanied by a different song or music video each time, depending on how nice you all are to me, heh-heh).  For now, however, my advice is thusly:  you should just face the narratives and enjoy the music -- or enjoy the narratives and face the music, however you wish to see it (this probably would depend on your, ahem, financial status, hmmm?)  Then you can decide for yourself who's more cracked, my cell phone's google search engine, or my own soul-searching self. 

End of Manchema (247K) Ok, Let's begin!  For starters, consider the following:  In past webpage editorials, I noted that certain "expert" economics journalists have rather gloatingly stated that our national debt will reach fifty trillion dollars by the year 2035,  at which point it will become impossible to pay off, even if we sold all of our national parks  (along with the rest of our country)  to them.  Accordingly, some of our more stalwart political representatives have endeavored to try to keep this default from happening so fast, for what its worth (actually, at the rate we're going, 2035 sounds like a conservative estimate);  I am directing your attention to a few of these brave souls, and the punishments which they have endured, and surely will continue to sustain if something isn't done... and soon.

I suppose we could start with Rand Paul, the senator from Kentucky, who was viciously attacked and critically injured in 2017 by his neighbor Rene Boucher, an attack which the major news media, along with certain top-level national security organizations, strove to paint as being the non-politically motivated result of a nice friendly neighborly dispute.  The sheer intensity of this non-politically-motivated love-tap campaign by extremely credible major news sources such as CNN, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and the very manly GQ Magazine (Gentleman's (?) Quarterly is its full name, I think) should raise the suspicions of anyone still possessing a functioning brain.  Operating on the assumption that I myself still possessed such a brain, I dug a little deeper and found that Rand's attack was almost certainly a botched attempt to remove his presence from a critical Senate vote to curb tax increases (to pay for all-too typically common wasteful health care policies, among other things).  According to a Vox news report by Jen Kirby (updated Nov. 20, 2017), Rand's swift recovery was...  "good news for Republicans.  A prolonged absence by Paul could have complicated things for the party, which has been relying on their slim majority in the upper chamber to push through their legislative agenda.  The GOP is following an aggressive timeline to pass tax reform by the end of the year.  Paul's vote may be necessary to pass the Senate’s version of the tax bill without Democratic votes (and integral to pretty much everything else on the Republican to-do list).  Thanks a lot, Jen!  We can always use that kind of ammo here at

Actually, Rand was pretty lucky not to have been shot dead a few months earlier in July 2017, when a gunman named James Hodgkinson tried to kill a number of Republicans who were enjoying a relaxing game of baseball at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park, and nearly did kill House Member Steve Scalise... who survived his near-fatal ordeal, and thereafter became more cooperative with Black Lives Matter-type activists (it's ok Steve, I don't want to get killed like that myself, either [although I probably will {gosh, I'd better stop giving people "ideas"}).  But anyway, one might wonder, could Scalise's "new attitude"  have been the result of extreme intimidation tactics?  OF COURSE NOT!  As anyone will tell you, Terrorist Intimidation Tactics don't work on politicians that possess non-bullet proof skin.  They simply laugh the bullets away from them!

Manchin gets worked by Politico-7 (249K) More recently, two democratic politicians named Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema have been outrageously harassed by concerned activists opposed to their opposition of Biden legislation calling for the printing up of many TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to pay for even more obscurely defined, and almost certainly wasteful programs (such as giving a half-million dollars in reparations to families that were separated from their children while storming the southern border (an obviously Satanist-engineered move to wreak even more havoc and tax increases).  Aside from the more subtle but non-stop media intimations (thinly veiled threats), manchin and antifa dude (272K) Manchin was surrounded in his car, and also terrorized while trying to get some peace on his private yacht, by a mob of thugs posing as saviors of the environment, or some such bull-manure.  Finding himself sans an equal number of bodyguards, Manchin wisely maintained his cool (and, perhaps, his life!).  Ok, I admit, I am myself VERY MUCH concerned about out-of-control pollution (due to deliberately contrived out-of-control population growth), and heck yeah, I'm jealous as all hell of Manchin for yachting, driving and living well, but c'mon you emaciated hunger-striking ANTIFA GOONS, where are you gonna' draw the line? 

Kristen Sinema was not so cool;  when accosted and chased into a restroom, she indignantly stated that these paid-off hit-goons, Antifa or whatever they call themselves, would not intimidate her.  Knowing the Satanists and their evil methods very well myself, I would venture to guess that Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema have enjoyed other nice encounters beyond the two just mentioned, which the Satan-controlled media has probably neglected to report (in spite of their legendary cheekiness).  And "President" Biden's anguished response to this blatant domestic terrorism (in keeping with the strenuous urging of august politicians like Maxine Waters, Stacey Abrams, Joanne Hardesty, etc., etc.)?  Well, according to battle-hardened Joe, its all just "...a common facet of life in politics."  That's all!  No need to worry, anybody.

ANTIFA!! (154K)

I'm not going to get into the complexities of Biden's proposed Build Back Better bills just now, since the media is not making clear, or easy to understand, just what the mega-trillion dollar bills encompass.  As usual, they're trying to pass such ridiculously expensive legislation off as a boon to all mankind.  Although I myself would tend to favor a shift away from stink-producing fossil fuels to cleaner, less harmful energy sources (not nuclear fission!  I never really liked those evil-looking nuclear power plants, especially the ones situated only a stone's throw away from beaches that I used to surf), I think we can safely assume that those trillions of dollars will be a boon only to the Satanists' operatives (and rich beneficiaries) in their various wormholes.  I would even venture a conservative estimate that a good 95% of those taxpayer funds will go to these hell-born (hellbound?) recipients.  In fact, I'm really surprised that Trump was not impeached a third time for trying to keep paychecks from going to government employees that never even show up to work. 

Oh, I hate to be sarcastic, I really do.  But actually, sarcastic journalism is better than what I've been doing lately, in response to God Help Me too (337K) the affronts (verbal and otherwise) that I've been forced to endure at the hands of some, ahem, rather recent arrivals to my long-time (I should say life-time) SoCal stomping grounds.  It's kind of funny, really;  I keep hearing about this enormous transfer of wealth from the middle classes to the upper-upper-upper class (you know, the SS-DG elites), and then I keep seeing these Jonah Hill, Malibu - Da' New (Mickey Dora) Cat! (249K) strange looking, cigarette-smoking Jonah Hill Beach Grit movie-star surfer dudes everywhere, as well as their very attractive (albeit overweight and obnoxious) female counterparts, blonde "babes" who don't seem to like me very much, it would seem (actually, I don't think any SS-DG's like me anymore [if they ever did]!).  To be honest, I'm not really too pleased with the God Help Me (290K) sea change I've been seeing in my own area, the much-coveted South Bay of Southern California.  Believe it or not, I much prefer seeing beautiful but haughty (uh, sometimes haughty... sorry about that, girls) blondes, or any attractive girls for that matter, to the depressingly vile SS-DG women that now think they own the beaches and boardwalks.  I know you're not supposed to be shallow like that, but the pretty birds used to cheer me up somewhat, which was a good thing Stephen King's IS IT! (127K) indeed, as I am a person prone to frequent bouts of morbid depression (don't worry guys, Charles just looks and doesn't talk [too much]).  I sometimes wonder what happens to these displaced former residents;  do they merely get priced (or cheated) out of their houses, or do they get kidnapped and sold into sex-slavery somewhere?  Or perhaps even offed  (God forbid!), if they don't play the game?  Sometimes it worries me, these errant thoughts of mine. 

Uh-oh, I think I'm starting to sound mean, instead of truthful;  why don't we change the subject, huh Charles?  Why don't we talk about the dozens of brown gulls with broken wings that were recently discovered in the Bolsa Chica Beach area?  Or maybe the oil spills that have occurred in the waters of certain other designated Red areas, such as Huntington Beach, California (they're threatening not-so-red Ventura County as well now, I hear) or the gulf waters of the state of Texas?  Or we could talk about the foul odor mysteriously emanating from the City of Carson's Dominguez Canal (which I can now smell from my own neighborhood), whose mysterious origins the reluctantly- investigating authorities can't seem to pinpoint; could it be nearby oil refineries, or air pollution (now they're saying a warehouse fire may have emitted some unholy residues which caused some weird scum to form in the water?  Anyhow, we all just know it wasn't the work of those vengefully and falsely-proud SS-DG "insiders."

Or maybe we could talk about the SS-DG's generous contribution to American culture, the august Mr. Dave Chappelle, of Nygar Family fame, hmmm?  In case you're not too hip, Chappelle's Nygar Family was all the rage a couple of years back, featuring a family of "Critical Race Theory" honorees saying the N-Word every five seconds, I guess to try to make you like white people more or something, I dunno' man (I dunno' anything anymore, and don't want to).  It seems that this pleasant diversion from the general unpleasantness of the PLANDEMIC and its resulting social and economic devastation is receiving generous media attention, even usurping things like those excellent Tik Tok Challenges, you know, the ByteDance, or DanceByte (AssBite?) videos that challenge excellent young media-addicts to do things like destroy school property, or swallow energy-boosting powder without a drink of water (which "challenge" resulted in the near death of one Tik Tok zombie, poor little thing).  It would appear that this great guy Diamond Dave is now riding a wave of media-inspired popularity!

Obama, Dave Chappelle, Honorary Buddies! 2 - Copy (186K)

Wot?  You haven't heard of Diamond Dave Chappelle?  Let me enlighten you, then.  This fine specimen of humanity has been around for years now, trying to get people to see them evil whiteys for what they really are:  mean, vulgar, obnoxious, low-class, well... nygar hatting racists (unlike Dave Chappelle, one of Netflix's proudest and finest comedians, or maybe he's being touted as a social commenter, or maybe both now?).  This august nygar guy (uh, sorry all you more decent black people out there), when he's not making fine funny videos exposing all them vile white racists that say the N-word every Sir Paul & Friend Dave Grawl (252K) five seconds, is inducting rap stars into the "fucking rock and roll hall of fame," to quote the extremely high-class, peerage-worthy Sir Paul McCartney  (that's verbatim, folks).  Oh yeah, I forgot... Sir Paul also inducted that absolutely genius David Geffen "rock" (punk) band The Foo Fighters into the aforementioned "Fucking Rock Hall of Fame" also (great musical taste you got there Sir Paul, let's get together and discuss music sometimes, and have a little laugh at your expense, ok?).  Sheeesh, Gaaawwd help us all....

Not only does this type of blatant, disgusting idiocy go completely uncensored and unchallenged by the SS-DG-controlled media, but... uh, wait a second, I was wrong!  Chappelle is being challenged, along with Netflix's CEO _____________!  (chuck: get) Chappelle and non-white actress, alec baldwin murder (274K) But only by people like transgender Netflix star Jaclyn Moore, who stated that she previously just adored Chappelle's adorable body of Whitey-hating work (par excellence, according to her)...   that is, until he ventured to insult transgender people like herself, and caused all hell to break loose in Netflix Land!  Bad move there Dave, but somehow I don't think you'll be going away anytime soon, what with all that SS-DG Steven Spielberg Netflix power backing your miserable ass.  No Dave, I wouldn't worry too much if I were you (gosh, how I wish I really were Dave Chappelle!)

Um, maybe we'd better get off this foo fighting, knight-of-the-living-dead nygardly subject right now... and move on to less entertaining subjects, such as... the plight of people in Germany?

Hmmm, it seems that people in Germany can't buy groceries anymore unless they show proof of vaccination from Covid!  Could that happen here?  Nah, never.  Not with people like Joe Biden or Merrick Garland in office!  Garland, who is U.S. Attorney General in charge of justice for all, has now authorized and empowered the FBI and other helpful government agencies to take care of people who go to school board meetings and rightfully complain about things like lurid sex books in school libraries, the lack of balanced representation regarding highly-suspect other subjects like Critical Race Theory (which blatantly teaches hatred of all white-skinned people); also forced injections (jabs) of their children with untested, "acceleratedly-approved" vaccines that don't even work (vast multitudes of poor people who took the jab came down with Covid anyway, according to many well-documented accounts). 

Now, this is a subject worthy of more discussion... one hell of a lot more discussion, in fact.  Because just a few nights back, after reading a shocking October 31, 2021 story by one outraged Ken Eyring, I viewed a video of something that chilled even seen-it-all me to the bone:  the October 13, 2021 arrest of at least nine peope who were quietly and peacefully sitting in chairs watching a public Executive Council (EC) meeting run by New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, where an excessive number of 32 State Troopers could plainly be seen standing around waiting for something, anything, to happen.  For some inexplicable reason forty to fifty additional State Troopers were hidden behind the back curtain just a few yards away, making a total of around eighty State Troopers in the room.  Dozens more were waiting outside alongside two large police vans, ostensibly to protect innocents from only 150 concerned but admirably peaceful attendees, a few of which quietly stood and turned their backs in protest of Gov. Sununu's insane posturing on subjects like forced vaccinations, etc., which prompted Governor Sununu to make some non-verbal hand gestures to an unseen party in the background (he sent text messages also), whereupon State Police began escorting and pulling flabbergasted people out of their chairs to be arrested and put in the vans.  Then, as other people began to protest this outrage, out came the news cameras to document the entire event as a perfect example of why people like Joe Biden and Merrick Garland needed to use FASCIST Police State tactics to suppress wildly belligerant rioters!

In my view, this is a perfect example of time-tested and well-documented SS-DG methodology, people.  These peaceful attendees were not disrupting Sununu's meeting;  indeed, it kept right on peacefully going as the constituents he was supposedly representing were taken away, with no questions asked by the good governor.  No laws were broken during Sununu's meeting to justify these arrests, and no explanation was offered as to why Sununu ordered an excessive force of State Troopers to be present at a public Executive Council meeting, where concerned citizens are supposed to be constitutionally allowed to air their grievances.  Clearly, Governor Sununu cared not a sh!t for the rights of his constituents to question his leadership.  Eyring ends his account by quoting one of our most aware founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson: 

"When the government fears the people, there is liberty.  When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

Apparently Ken Eyring neglected to quote Charles-of-the-Ritz Trevino, who famously stated as follows:

"When the government fears people like Fat Charly, there is liberty.  When the government and the people fear Fat Charly, well... that's even better!  FOR EVERYBODY!  HA HA HA!"

How about that Fat Charly, eh folks?  What a "silver-tongued devil" I am, if I may say so myself!  In fact, that last one was so damn good I think I may have outdone myself... for a little while, at least.  Anyway, I'm getting tired... sick and tired, really.  Also I need to go dig up some more dirt (oh, I meant to say facts) for my next exciting gossip column!  Sooo... let's just end this narrative (which is only Part One,  remember) with those sagacious words of wisdom from Thomas Jefferson and you-know-who...


CT-Stop and Smell the Roses (177K)


Oh yeah, about that free song... keep reading, it's coming next time around.  SO STAY TUNED!

See you droogs later.

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All text and photos (except as otherwise noted) Copyright November 2021 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Free song, when it finally gets here, Copyright ___________ by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Any defense lawyers (and/or undertakers) wishing to donate pro bono services for Charles's upcoming sedition trial may contact Charles as best they can.   Thanks for your interest in this webpage...    this is